The categories below, are meant to give you a first idea of what our Chapter is constantly involved with. Scroll down to find more about each specific activity!
*Always looking for new ideas*
All those events that do require some full-team office hours.
Theoretical, meaning no hands-on or any practical tools discussed.
Seminars conducted with live web conference tools.
Bus trips, mainly to industrial facilities.
Theoretical lectures that involve some hands-on or practical parts.
Europe, U.S., Canada... all over the world!
Successful cooperation regarding co-organized and/or technically supported events.
Work hard, play hard! (Networking and bonding time, party time, shared experience.)
"DIPLOMA" is the one and only, all-students' edited DUTh IAS SBC's magazine. (Printed and Digital!)
Just give us the chance! (High participation)
Our Chapter's awards, our Members' personal awards & our Advisor's personal awards!
“Our industry does not respect tradition – it only respects innovation." - Satya Nadella
You may find our past projects in captions, below. Implementing LIFO: the Latest News can be found on top.
(Clicking on any event's title, you will be able to see the event's report!)
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